Apr 11, 2009

Uh...I can Barely keep my eyes open!

Sunday- Wow thank you all for Praying, I needed it so much! I'm just thankful i had that because i think it would have gone even worse if it wasn't for you all! But O man it was bad!!! By Far the Worse show i have ever done in my life! Let me just tell u that i have done some bad shows but this tops the cake of BAD SHOWS! I Forgot almost all the lines and just chocked up on stage and forgot what i was doing, which i have forgotten lines before but i have never chocked up before! It was just really bad, i mean really bad!!! That is a play that I'm happy is only a one time a year play.. because i never wanna do it again!
But anyway some how people got the massage out of it, it's shocking what God can do with our mess ups! That is one thing in CP I've learned a lot about! When it comes down to it, you can do the best show in the world but if Gods not in it people can walk out with nothing to learn! Then there is other times where u BLOW IT BIG TIME, but people walk out really blessed! God is Amazing that's it, He can do all things!
But after our show we went to pick up my computer, which i am now typing on! YAAA! It works, but as i feared all my pictures, music, and videos are gone! Which is really sad, that's what happens when your hard drive dies! So if any of u have Pictures of me or us fill free to send them to Thesamsmith@gmail.com! But the one thing that's weird when i got my computer back is the lower case "c" on my Key broad don't really work right! So i have to take it back to get them to fix that, because right now i am copying and paste the letter every time i want to use it which is a lot and its annoying!

Monday- We performed for some people in wheel chairs and others behind Bars! That's right in the morning we had a nursing home in NJ (which everything was in NJ this week)! Then we had the 2nd prison show at the prison that we were at last week! This time we did it for the long time inmates and the Sex offenders! Which was different but the guys were all really nice and none of them made me feel weird! Most that come to the Chapel programs have turned around there lives to God in there, so they were all pretty nice and respectful! But there was 7 men that got saved that night which was such a blessing to be apart of!

Tuesday- Was another Nursing home in NJ! Which we did the same program for all the nursing homes this week! So not much to tell there!

Wednesday- We had kinda of a slow morning with line learning and rehearsal! But we had another show at the prison around 7:30 pm! This time it was for the general population! Which 3 guys got saved which was another blessing on top of Mondays! So cool to be apart of that always! Which the chapel said that his bible study class had doubled sense we were there on Friday!

Thursday- We went to the Baptist Nursing home on the Cost line of NJ, which was so pretty! Which was where the actives director that use to be in CP worked! So it was fun to meet up with her! Then we headed to Wild Wood which is this cute little town on the cost! But we meet up with our contact for Friday and stayed in a hotel that the church owned!

GOOD Friday- We awoke at 8:30am and headed to the church at 9am! Then we rehearsed till 11am and started our show at noon and ended at 3pm! It was a 3 hour services where they covered the 7 last words of Christ and we did a 10 min show in between each! It was for all the lay leaders and Pastors in the area! Very different kind of services then i have ever seen before !
Then after that we headed about an hour away to another church where we did 2 plays for there night services! Then after the Service i meet up with a girl that i had called earlier in the week who might want to join CP! It was so cool it was the 1st time that i called someone and they showed up! HER NAME IS ROBIN! Keep her in your prayers, please! Then the church put us up in a hotel!

Saturday- We performed at the Easter egg hunt with the Salvation Army which we our also doing there main service on Sunday! That was fun seeing all the Kids running around!

So that's been our LONG and Very tiring week! We have a Sun raise program 2morow where i have to wake at 5am!!!!!! AAAAA! I have to head to bed soon, its getting late! O by the Way another cool thing happened this week! My Chapel that had the 1st CP'ers i saw in 8th grade come to my youth group, i got to talk to her on the phone! I came in contact with her last year, thank her for having CP! She sent me an email back saying that she was so happy and wanted to know how to book them with her now in California! So.. to cut the story short Now our team in CA our at her Church 2morow, for Easter Sunday! Which is so cool!
This has been a crazy BLESSing of a week! It has showed me a whole new way of looking at HOLY WEEK and EASTER! I think with going to all these different denominations it made me look at it so differently! I thank GOD for that, because some times holidays just become the same every year!




Anonymous said...

Happy Easter. Its cool that you see God even in the bad things, even when things don't go right. I am so proud of you. Its so neat to hear the praises of the week. 10 people saved, Robin and then talking with Covenant players from so long ago. Its so amazing, keep being HIS vessel. Keep sharing, and I will keep praying.
Hugs, and more hugs,

Anonymous said...

Oh I love the new look for the blog.
More Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Really like the new look of the blog. It is easier for old eyes to read.